Dr. Dre Beats
I review everything from Dr. Dre Beats down to VIZIO Sound Bars. Look under the Review tab for more.
iPad 2
The IPad 2 was released yesterday March 11th 2011. Though I didn't get it then keep checking back on this site for a possible review for when i do get it.
BattleField 3
Battlefield 3 is a first-person shooter video game, being developed by EA Digital Illusions CE and to be published by Electronic Arts. It is to be released during the fourth quarter of 2011 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the twelfth installment in the Battlefield series, a direct sequel to Battlefield 2, released in 2005. This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.
Review Of Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2 is the follow up to Saints Row. In the beginning of SR2 you created a player to your liking and use he/she until the end of the game. As far as improvements go,they didn't do much to graphics and are more the same than different. Like SR, the AI is the best, the cops always know you are,which doesn't make trying to hide from them any fun. Weapons are similar to Saints Row. You have your choice of melee, pistol,Sub/automaic/explosive/shotgun/assault. Cheats make the gameplay just as fun,with UFO'S, Unlimited ammo, you can do anything. Missions are fun but it seems like they aren't a priority,the only mission I really enjoyed was the first one, in which I broke out of jail. Overall Saints Row 2 is a fun game for anyone who knows what Saints Row is like. I would have to give this game 8/10
NBA 2K12 And NBA Live 12 Idea's

I've been playing NBA 2K ever since 2K10 game out back in October of 2009. I've also played LIVE 08 when it came out. Though both series are very good, they both have missed a couple of gamplay aspects that I have always wanted in a basketball game. If you ever play one of the NHL games on Xbox or PS3, one thing you can do is start a fight. Though its rare that NBA fights break out, I always thought it would be cool if you got foul on a layup and be able to throw a punch. Can't you imagine being foul going up for a shot,getting pissed off and hit a button like SELECT(Xbox 360) and being able to throw punches? One thing that I always wanted to do was to be able pull of the 720 dunks in regular games,not like in dunk contests. With that being said wouldn't it be cool if powerful dunks can shatter backboards? One thing that goes for both games is having better celebrations after games or champions. It seems like it never pulls of that feeling when you would watch a actual NBA finals. You never see the players in the game go nuts, or fans storming the court. Over
Saints Row 3

Saints Row: The Third is a nonlinear third-person shooter video game, being developed by Volition, Inc. and published by THQ. It is to be released during the fourth quarter of 2011 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Windows systems. It is the third title in the Saints Row series, after the release of Saints Row 2 in 2008. The player controls the leader of the Third Street Saints. The game world is the fictional city of Steelport, and the story centers around the conflict that arises between the Saints and The Syndicate, an international criminal group who have taken over the Saints' former home of Stilwater.
Having defeated the rival gangs of Stilwater at the end of Saints Row 2 and overthrown the influence of the Ultor corporation on the city services, the Saints have found themselves with free control of the city. They target a bank, attempting to airlift the vault out of it, but the plan goes awry, and the Saints are incarcerated. In prison, they learn about how an international crime agency called the Syndicate, led by Phillipe Loren, has taken over many of the banks (including the one the Saints struck) and bribed the Stilwater police force. Loren smuggles the Saints' leader (the player-character), Johnny Gat, and Shaundi out of jail and onto his private jet. While in-flight, he tells them they will be allowed to live if they turn over two-thirds of their gangs. The leader of the Saints rejects this offer, and a gunfight breaks out; ultimately, the player-character, Gat, and Shaundi all fall out the cargo hold of the plane, recover parachutes, and land safely.
Having defeated the rival gangs of Stilwater at the end of Saints Row 2 and overthrown the influence of the Ultor corporation on the city services, the Saints have found themselves with free control of the city. They target a bank, attempting to airlift the vault out of it, but the plan goes awry, and the Saints are incarcerated. In prison, they learn about how an international crime agency called the Syndicate, led by Phillipe Loren, has taken over many of the banks (including the one the Saints struck) and bribed the Stilwater police force. Loren smuggles the Saints' leader (the player-character), Johnny Gat, and Shaundi out of jail and onto his private jet. While in-flight, he tells them they will be allowed to live if they turn over two-thirds of their gangs. The leader of the Saints rejects this offer, and a gunfight breaks out; ultimately, the player-character, Gat, and Shaundi all fall out the cargo hold of the plane, recover parachutes, and land safely.
With the Syndicate in full control of Stilwater, the Saints relocate themselves to the city of Steelport. Steelport is a city that was created as factories flourished with little city planning, and since has suffered from economic failure, contrasting the glamour of Stilwater. The Syndicate has already begun to take control of some parts of Steelport, focusing on vices like gambling and prostitution. To extend their reach, the Syndicate had divided their control of the city through three gangs. The Morning Star, lead by Loren directly, are typically European men with impeccable taste, selling guns and handling the prostitution rings. The Mexican wrestler Killbane controls the Luchadores who deal with selling drugs and gambling. The Deckers, led by hacktivist Matt Miller, are computer geniuses, and handle the money laundering. The Saints see the opportunity to wrest control of Steelport from these groups, and engage them to start to take control of the downtrodden city. As the gang war intensifies, a fourth group, the Special Tactical Anti-Gang (STAG) units from the government will attempt to halt any gang activity whether it be the Saints or the Syndicate.
In previous Saints Row games, the player would be able to approach each of the three rival gangs along separate storylines that ultimately culminated into a final conclusion. In The Third, the storylines between the three gangs are interconnected, and decisions that the player makes in dealing with one faction may alter the behavior of the other factors towards the player or missions that may be available later.
The Third retains the blend of third-person action and driving sequences in open world, urban warfare format that is traditional in the Saints Row series. The player, as the leader of the Third Street Saints, can explore the city of Steelport, performing main missions that progress the game's story, and side missions. These side missions include Activities, mini-games played on the streets of Steelport, Strongholds, rival gang bases that can be taken over to control a section of Steelport, and Flashpoints, on-the-spot gang warfare. Successful completion of missions can earn the player in-game money, weapons, cars, and gang respect. Unlike the previous games where respect was used to unlock new missions, The Third uses respect similar to experience points which the player can then spend to improve specific attributes of their character, such as melee combat or firearms skills. Money can be used to purchase clothing items, weapons and cars, or may be used to upgrade weapons and cars with unique features, such as adding scopes or extra barrels to a weapon, which then can be stored in the Saints' arsenal. Money can also be used to upgrade the Saints gang, customizing their appearance, outfits, and headquarters. Within The Third, the player can set up to four different appearance styles for their gang. Finally, money is also used to purchase shops and other properties within Steelport, which in turn will become a steady stream of income for the gang over time.
While completing some missions, the player may be given a choice of options to finalize the mission. For example, they may opt to destroy a rival gang's boat, including the prostitutes aboard, or instead capture it, and sending the prostitutes to the Saints' headquarters to boost the gang's morale. In another case, the player has the option of using a gigantic bomb to demolish one of the skyscrapers in the city; though they will gain a great deal of respect for the action, it will alter the city's skyline for the rest of the game and cause non-player characters to react differently to the Saints, while leaving the building standing allows it to be used as a headquarters for the Saints. New Activities, optional missions that can gain the player money and respect, include "Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax", a game show that combines the ideas of The Running Man and Japanese game shows, Tank Mayhem where players are tasked with taking out high value targets using a tank, and Guardian Angel, where the player must drive around the city while a tiger is in the backseat of the car.
In addition to the regular arsenal of tradition and novelty weapons, players will gain the ability to call down airstrikes on encamped enemies, or to use an remote control electric bug to control other vehicles such as for remotely delivering a car full of explosives to an enemies hideout. Unlike the first two games, there are no health recovery items in favor of improving the grenade throwing system; in exchange, the player's health will regenerate at a faster rate as long as they stay out of the line of fire. Nearly all actions in the game can be sped up by holding down a second controller button, dubbed by Volition as the "awesome button"; for example, when carjacking, holding down this button will cause the player-character to missile-kick the driver out of the seat in short order.
In addition to the single-player mode, the game can be played co-operatively with at least one other player. As in Saints Row 2, the second player can participate in all missions and activities, earning credit for their completion. Certain activities provide different rules when a second player is present; for example, in the Guardian Angel activity, the second player will have to control the tiger in the backseat while the first player drives. Because of their focus on the single player and co-operative experience, Volition has removed competitive multiplayer from the title.
L.A. Noire

Is L.A. Noire going to be Rockstar's next big hit? After watching one of the newer videos The game absolutely takes a more serious turn compared to one of their games like GTA. It seems like L.A Noire has mainly focuses on the storyline. If you want to see more of L.A Noire videos. Go to the NEWS tab and find GAMING, from their click on L.A NOIRE for all the videos
BattleField 3

Battlefield 3 is a first-person shooter video game, being developed by EA Digital Illusions CE and to be published by Electronic Arts. It is to be released during the fourth quarter of 2011 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the twelfth installment in theBattlefield series, a direct sequel to Battlefield 2, released in 2005.
Battlefield 3 will feature the maximalist combined arms battles that made the series popular across single-player, co-operative and multiplayer modes. It will reintroduce several elements absent from the Bad Company games, including fighter jets, the prone position and 64-player battles on PC, while the consoles will support 24 players. A new animation system will allow players to "drag fallen comrades into safety and mount weapons on almost any part of the terrain."The destructible environments of DICE's Frostbite engine will also be in use.
Battlefield 3 uses a new type of character animation technology called ANT. ANT technology is used in EA Sports games such as FIFA, but will now be used to create a more realistic soldier. Player models will appear more real with the ability to transition into cover, and turn their head before their body.
In the March 2011 issue of Game Informer magazine, they describe how an RPG can hit a building and cause ripple splash damage. The updated Frostbite 2 engine can realistically show how a seven story building would collapse during an earthquake in a pile of smoke and debris
Maps set in Paris, Tehran, Sulaymaniyah and New York have been confirmed. As a whole the game will cover urban streets, metropolitan downtown areas, and open landscapes suited to vehicle combat.The single player campaign takes place in the year 2014
NBA 2K 11 Cheats

Effect | Password |
2011 All-Star Uniforms | wydololoh |
2k Sports team | 2Ksports |
2kchina team | 2kchina |
ABA Ball | payrespect |
MJ: Creating A Legend | icanbe23 |
nba2k development team | nba2k |
Unlocks Three Secondary Jerseys | ronoilnm |
VC squad | vcteam |
2011 Upcoming Video Games

- A Game of Thrones: Genesis
- Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
- The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn (video game)
- AFL (Wii)
- Afterfall Universe
- Age of Pirates: Captain Blood
- The Agency: Covert Ops
- Alice: Madness Returns
- Anarchy Reigns
- Aquatic Tales
- ArcaniA: Fall of Setarrif
- Armored Core 5
- Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy
- Astro Boy: Tap Tap Rush
- AFL Live
- Bastion (video game)
- Slam Bolt Scrappers
- Batman: Arkham City
- Battle & Get! Pokémon Typing DS
- BattleBlock Theater
- Battlefield 3
- Black Rock Shooter
- Blade & Soul
- Bleach: Soul Ignition
- Bodycount (video game)
- Bomberman 3DS
- Bonk: Brink of Extinction
- Brink (video game)
GTA IV Cheats

Effect | Password |
Change weather | 468-555-0100 |
Get a different selection of weapons | 486-555-0150 |
Get a selection of weapons | 486-555-0100 |
Raise wanted level | 267-555-0150 |
Remove wanted level | 267-555-0100 |
Restore armour | 362-555-0100 |
Restore health, armor, and ammo | 482-555-0100 |
Song information | 948-555-0100 |
Spawn a Cognoscenti | 227-555-0142 |
Spawn a Comet | 227-555-0175 |
Spawn a Jetmax | 938-555-0100 |
Spawn a Sanchez | 625-555-0150 |
Spawn a SuperGT | 227-555-0168 |
Spawn a Turismo | 227-555-0147 |
Spawn an Annihiliator | 359-555-0100 |
Spawn an FIB Buffalo | 227-555-0100 |
Spawn an NRG-900 | 625-555-0100 |
Red Dead Redemption Cheats

Effect Password
Enable the Sepia filter. THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS
Man in Uniform ` I LOVE A MAN IN UNIFORM
Spawn a horse-drawn coach. NOW WHO PUT THAT THERE?
Unlock All Gang Outfits YOU THINK YOU TOUGH, MISTER?
Enable the Sepia filter. THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS
Man in Uniform ` I LOVE A MAN IN UNIFORM
Spawn a horse-drawn coach. NOW WHO PUT THAT THERE?
Unlock All Gang Outfits YOU THINK YOU TOUGH, MISTER?
Call Of Duty Black Ops Cheats

Effect Code
The user account of Alex Mason, already logged in when you first use the terminal. User: amason - Password: PASSWORD
The user account of Bruce Harris User: bharris - Password: GOSKINS
The user account of D. King. User: dking - Password: MFK
The user account of Dr. Adrienne Smith. User: asmith - Password: ROXY
The user account of Dr. Vannevar Bush. User: vbush - Password: MANHATTAN
The user account of Frank Woods. User: fwoods - Password: PHILLY
The user account of Grigori "Greg" Weaver. User: gweaver - Password: GEDEON
The user account of J. Turner. User: jturner - Password CONDOR75
The user account of Jason Hudson. User: jhudson - Password: BRYANT1950
The user account of John McCone, Director of Central Intelligence 1961-1965. User: jmccone - Password: BERKLEY22
The user account of Joseph Bowman. User: jbowman - Password: UWD
The user account of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. User: jfkennedy - Password: LANCER
The user account of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. User: lbjohnson - Password: LADYBIRD
The user account of President Richard Nixon User: rnixon - password CHECKERS
The user account of Richard Helms, Director of the CIA from 1966 to 1973. User: rhelms - Password: LEROSEY
The user account of Richard Kain. User: rkain - Password: SUNWU
The user account of Ryan Jackson User: rjackson - . Password: SAINTBRIDGET
The user account of T. Walker. User: twalker - Password: RADI0
The user account of Terrance Brooks. User: tbrooks - Password: LAUREN
The user account of William Raborn, Director of Central Intelligence from 1965- User: wraborn - Password: BROML
The user account of Alex Mason, already logged in when you first use the terminal. User: amason - Password: PASSWORD
The user account of Bruce Harris User: bharris - Password: GOSKINS
The user account of D. King. User: dking - Password: MFK
The user account of Dr. Adrienne Smith. User: asmith - Password: ROXY
The user account of Dr. Vannevar Bush. User: vbush - Password: MANHATTAN
The user account of Frank Woods. User: fwoods - Password: PHILLY
The user account of Grigori "Greg" Weaver. User: gweaver - Password: GEDEON
The user account of J. Turner. User: jturner - Password CONDOR75
The user account of Jason Hudson. User: jhudson - Password: BRYANT1950
The user account of John McCone, Director of Central Intelligence 1961-1965. User: jmccone - Password: BERKLEY22
The user account of Joseph Bowman. User: jbowman - Password: UWD
The user account of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. User: jfkennedy - Password: LANCER
The user account of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. User: lbjohnson - Password: LADYBIRD
The user account of President Richard Nixon User: rnixon - password CHECKERS
The user account of Richard Helms, Director of the CIA from 1966 to 1973. User: rhelms - Password: LEROSEY
The user account of Richard Kain. User: rkain - Password: SUNWU
The user account of Ryan Jackson User: rjackson - . Password: SAINTBRIDGET
The user account of T. Walker. User: twalker - Password: RADI0
The user account of Terrance Brooks. User: tbrooks - Password: LAUREN
The user account of William Raborn, Director of Central Intelligence from 1965- User: wraborn - Password: BROML
Review Of The CASIO CTK-2100

Though I am not a advanced piano player,priced at $125 dollars. The CTK 2100 does an amazing job. Since it is a keyboard,its comes with up to 100 different tones and about 50 classic songs to play. Other features like the built in metronome also work great. The keyboard comes with a stand that you can adjust to your liking and a wire to connect for power. Though you get a wire you can choose to use AA batteries as your power source.
Overall the CASIO CTK-2100 is great for a beginner like me,or someone more advanced
Overall the CASIO CTK-2100 is great for a beginner like me,or someone more advanced
Review Of VIZIO SoundBar

The VIZIO Sound bar is the next best thing to having a 5 piece surround system. When watching TV or playing Xbox 360, the sound quality is truly amazing. The set up is not hard at all and only has 2 wires,one connecting to a outlet, the other connecting to your TV. For all the people deciding about buying a sound bar or VIZIO sound bar. I honestly have to say either one will get the job done
Review Of The Kindle DX

The kindle is one of those gadgets that has one purpose,to read. Theres not much to say about the kindle but say its a great product for anyone who's a constant reader. You can read in the light just finely,and its has a back light so you can read in the dark. I would recommend
Review Of The iPod 4

The IPod 4 is the latest iPod made by apple. Unlike previous iPods, this one has two camera, one being in the front for face time and the other being in the back for pictures and videos. Other features like multitasking and fictive is available just like on the iPhone 4. The iPod is The thinnest in it's category. The iPod,like the iPhone has a high res retina display.
Overall the iPod 4 is a must have for existing users or new users of apple ipods.
Overall the iPod 4 is a must have for existing users or new users of apple ipods.
IPad 2 Overview

The IPad 2 was revealed today by Apple. One of the most requested feature was a front facing camera and as expected we will finally get to have one. The IPad 2 will be available in black and white as of the first day it is released. we will get minor updates to IOS 4.3, just changes in internet and Airplane mode. Apple has also created a new cover for the IPad which acts as a stand as well as cleans the IPad with one swipe. It has been said prices are being released at the $500. New apps like Photo Booth has been added the IPad which will allow users to interact with their photos like special effects and such.
As the weeks come ahead i'm sure we will find out more information about the IPad 2 so keep checking out my site for updates. The IPad wil be released on March 11th.
As the weeks come ahead i'm sure we will find out more information about the IPad 2 so keep checking out my site for updates. The IPad wil be released on March 11th.
Review Of Just Cause 2

Just cause 2 was released back in March of 2010. I got to say it is truly an amazing game. It is set in Panama, during present time A major feature in the game is the grapple hook and parachute. It has so many uses and makes a great impact on how you play.
The gameplay is probably the biggest aspect that makes the game what it is. Unlike games like RDR or GTA IV it doesn't just have one environment. It has every possible one,Snowy Mountains,Hot Deserts,Realistic Jungles, and Huge Cites. There are missions in the game, but I got to say, I've played about four missions and their good but not great. The graphics aren't the best but they are up there. The only downside to this game anyone might see is the voice cast.Like the graphics,the cast isn't the best but its not the worst.
Overall this game is a 9.5/10.0
Review Of BioShock

BioShock is probably the best game I've seen with water graphics. The story line is truly amazing and will keep you guessing what's next. The game takes place in the underwater city of Rapture and has gone horribly wrong. During you play you will spend the time collecting iteams,fighting creatures, and so much more that will blow your mind.
Review Of Chief Architect Home Designer

Home Designer is a step down from the full version of Chief Architect X3(Click Here For My Review Of X3). One thing I noticed after buying Home Designer is it has a exact same layout as X3 but the only problem is it offers very basic tools compared to all the tools in X3. Like X3 you can do very good renderings on your computer but isn't the best. Home Designer ranges everywhere from $50-$500. I suggest to anyone who isn't exactly a architect but has a thing for designing houses.
Review Of Chief Architect X3

If your a architect or hoping to become one, one program you should try out is chief architect X3. The program offers the highest performance I've seen in any software. The 2D is simple to learn and use with many tools and your reach. One thing that sicks out is the amazing 3D rendering that can be done all from the program. Renderings look stunning on your computer. The full product is a bit pricey at $2000 buts its absolutely worth it if your an architect.
Review Of Red Dead Redemption

I got RDR over Christmas break, and I got to say its truly amazing. It takes place in 1912 in the mid west. Like GTA IV, RDR has that outstanding free roam ability that cant be beat. Theres so much to do and see. One of the two major difference you'll see when you play is one being the moral system. Depending on what you do in the game effects how people think of you in the game. Another big thing is the new Dead Eye system. Dead Eye allows you to slow down time and lock on to as many targets as their are bullets. The only down side in my option is after you complete the story mode, theres not much to do after it, yeah you can hunt for plant,kill birds,etc but it gets old after awhile. Overall Red Dead Redemption is a amazing game with a amazing story and amazing graphics. I would have to give it a 10/10 because even though it gets old after awhile doesn't mean you cant enjoy this game for awhile
Review Of Mafia II

Mafia 2 was probably the most hyped game of the year. The only problem is it doesn't live up to its name. The campaign is short, about 2 days at most. The missions are fun and never really boring. The only problem is there is no "free roam" option. Yes you can ride around the city as you please, but the next mission has already begun as the last mission ended. As far as riding around the city goes, I was impressed by how everything reacts. From cops,down to the physics of the game,it is so realistic.
Overall I would give Mafia 2 a 8.5/10.0 mainly because the lack of free roam, otherwise its not that bad of a game and I recommend it to any free roam fan
Overall I would give Mafia 2 a 8.5/10.0 mainly because the lack of free roam, otherwise its not that bad of a game and I recommend it to any free roam fan
Review Of NBA 2K11

It's fitting that NBA 2K11 prominently features Michael Jordan. After all, His Airness is the greatest basketball player of all time and NBA 2K11 is the greatest basketball game ever made.
2K Sports has delivered the most finely polished and fully featured sports game I've ever played -- and I've played a lot of sports games. The amount of work put into 2K11 is staggering -- perfect recreations of Jordan's historic games, streamlined controls, NBA teams that play and feel like their real-life counterparts, a franchise mode that includes sensible GM logic and intelligent team building.
This is one of the most incredible year-over-year improvements of a game imaginable. Madden, EA's NHL series, MLB 2K, and just about everyone else has been served notice. There are no more excuses for half-assed annual updates. Bring it every year or you will get booed out of the building.
NBA 2K11 is where amazing happens. When you first start the game, you get a slick visual treat hyping the greatness of Michael Jordan. And then the game transports you into the tunnel of Chicago Stadium for Game 1 of the 1991 NBA Championship. Jordan turns to look into the camera, right at you, and asks, "Are you ready?" Then he turns, runs out onto the court and the magic of NBA 2K11 begins. Before you ever see a menu, ever create a franchise, ever even get a whiff of all that 2K11 has to offer, you're playing in the finals with the Bulls, battling Magic Johnson and ushering in a new era in NBA history.
2K Sports has delivered the most finely polished and fully featured sports game I've ever played -- and I've played a lot of sports games. The amount of work put into 2K11 is staggering -- perfect recreations of Jordan's historic games, streamlined controls, NBA teams that play and feel like their real-life counterparts, a franchise mode that includes sensible GM logic and intelligent team building.
This is one of the most incredible year-over-year improvements of a game imaginable. Madden, EA's NHL series, MLB 2K, and just about everyone else has been served notice. There are no more excuses for half-assed annual updates. Bring it every year or you will get booed out of the building.
NBA 2K11 is where amazing happens. When you first start the game, you get a slick visual treat hyping the greatness of Michael Jordan. And then the game transports you into the tunnel of Chicago Stadium for Game 1 of the 1991 NBA Championship. Jordan turns to look into the camera, right at you, and asks, "Are you ready?" Then he turns, runs out onto the court and the magic of NBA 2K11 begins. Before you ever see a menu, ever create a franchise, ever even get a whiff of all that 2K11 has to offer, you're playing in the finals with the Bulls, battling Magic Johnson and ushering in a new era in NBA history.
How To Win A Free MacBook Pro

How do I get a Free MacBook Pro?
Chances are, you think that this is a scam and that you won’t get your Free Mac Book Pro. You’ve heard stories from friends about these “scams” and how they make you fill out hundreds of surveys and buy expensive products. There are freebie sites like those that are insane, but I have researched these websites and found one where you only have to complete ONE easy trial offer to get your free Macintosh laptop! You don’t have to complete any surveys or expensive offers, just one simple trial.
Step 1: Sign up
Sign up using the link below to get your Free MacBook Pro. This site has sent out hundreds of free gifts to people such as Free HDTVs and Free Laptops and I’ve verified that it really works.
There are also other prizes on the freebie site that you can choose from. They offer Free Dell Laptops, ThinkPads, and many other laptops.
When you sign up, make sure that you use real information. Do not sign up with a fake address because then they won’t know where to ship your Free MacBook Pro! You can, however, create a new email address at GMail or Yahoo so that you don’t have to use your personal one. That’s the only variation you should make from your real information. Sometimes they check phone numbers to verify shipping details. You don’t want to not get your laptop just because you put in a fake phone number. The only reason people don’t get the free stuff is because they try to scam the freebie companies and give them fake information. Don’t do this.
Step 2: Complete an offer
You will be taken to a page with trial offers of products after you sign up. You must then select one that you’re interested in. A lot of people usually stop here and decide not to complete the freebie site for their Free MacBook Pro, but this part is really easy. They are almost all easy to complete and cost less than $10, so just pick one that you’re interested in. You only have to complete one offer. Don’t skip this step. You must complete an offer to get your Free MacBook Pro.
Step 3: Refer your friends
This part used to be more difficult, but with the popularity of Free MacBook sites and with the help of social media websites such as MySpace, FaceBook and Twitter, recruiting referrals has never been easier. You don’t have to rely on friends you know in real life. There’s tons of people online who are looking for Free MacBook Pros, so you can refer them. You can either trick people into signing up under you, convince them to sign up under you, or pay them to sign up under you. Even if you have to pay people $20 each to sign up under you, a MacBook Pro would only require you to pay someone about $500! $500 for a laptop worth almost $2,000 is a steal!
Rules to follow
Make sure that you follow these rules. Breaking these rules is the only reason people don’t get their Free MacBook Pro.
Only one account per household
Don’t use a public computer/internet access (such as library)
Use real information
Complete an offer only once. You cannot complete the same offer multiple times on different freebie sites.
Chances are, you think that this is a scam and that you won’t get your Free Mac Book Pro. You’ve heard stories from friends about these “scams” and how they make you fill out hundreds of surveys and buy expensive products. There are freebie sites like those that are insane, but I have researched these websites and found one where you only have to complete ONE easy trial offer to get your free Macintosh laptop! You don’t have to complete any surveys or expensive offers, just one simple trial.
Step 1: Sign up
Sign up using the link below to get your Free MacBook Pro. This site has sent out hundreds of free gifts to people such as Free HDTVs and Free Laptops and I’ve verified that it really works.
There are also other prizes on the freebie site that you can choose from. They offer Free Dell Laptops, ThinkPads, and many other laptops.
When you sign up, make sure that you use real information. Do not sign up with a fake address because then they won’t know where to ship your Free MacBook Pro! You can, however, create a new email address at GMail or Yahoo so that you don’t have to use your personal one. That’s the only variation you should make from your real information. Sometimes they check phone numbers to verify shipping details. You don’t want to not get your laptop just because you put in a fake phone number. The only reason people don’t get the free stuff is because they try to scam the freebie companies and give them fake information. Don’t do this.
Step 2: Complete an offer
You will be taken to a page with trial offers of products after you sign up. You must then select one that you’re interested in. A lot of people usually stop here and decide not to complete the freebie site for their Free MacBook Pro, but this part is really easy. They are almost all easy to complete and cost less than $10, so just pick one that you’re interested in. You only have to complete one offer. Don’t skip this step. You must complete an offer to get your Free MacBook Pro.
Step 3: Refer your friends
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Rules to follow
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Only one account per household
Don’t use a public computer/internet access (such as library)
Use real information
Complete an offer only once. You cannot complete the same offer multiple times on different freebie sites.
Review Of The Sony VAIO

The good: Great keyboard and touch pad; solid Core i3 performance, Blu-ray, and Intel Wireless Display in an affordable package
The bad: Middle-range battery life; screen brightness and speaker audio quality slightly underperform.
The bottom line: Comfortable, feature-packed, and with an eye-catching design, the Sony Vaio EA24FM/W and its combination of Blu-ray and Intel Wireless Display make it an affordable multimedia winner.
The bad: Middle-range battery life; screen brightness and speaker audio quality slightly underperform.
The bottom line: Comfortable, feature-packed, and with an eye-catching design, the Sony Vaio EA24FM/W and its combination of Blu-ray and Intel Wireless Display make it an affordable multimedia winner.
Review Of The Nintendo 3DS

It's fairly clear that the powers that be at Nintendo HD in Japan firmly believe that 3D is the future. "The 3DS will change gaming… again," executives said at the launch conference, citing the company's track record with the Wii and Wii Fit.
The questions are: is their faith in the technology going to translate to a real game changer? And is tacking on the clever autosteroscopic 3D screen to ageing DS technology really the best way to take us to this utopian three-dimensional future?
From the outset, any kind of critique of the 3DS needs to be tempered with the very big disclaimer that the autosteroscopic 3D is very much a "suck it and see" technology.
For some, the addition of a genuinely well-designed top screen, the fact that it allows you to see 3D very effectively without the need for glasses, and the fact that the handheld has a slider that allows you to alter the effect to suit the way in which you hold the console to suit your vision will be groundbreaking.
But for others, the 3D will be a gimmick – not enhancing games but distracting from the playability or merely a nice trick that will quickly grow old.
The enhancements in the 3DS are not limited to the 3D screen, but it is fair to say that it is this addition that will define it, despite some nifty communications tools like StreetPass and SpotPass and, crucially, an analogue stick to join the almost bewildering array of input options already present in the DS platform
The Nintendo 3DS will live or die by the 3D – and despite a lacklustre launch line-up, the early indicators are that this will make sure the entire platform is alive and kicking for some time to come
Review Of Snow Leopard

Apple has spent the last decade building and improving Mac OS X, fusing the classic Mac OS and technology acquired from Steve Jobs’s Next into an impressive mainstream operating system that’s widely considered the best in its class. But after a decade of constant advancement and regular operating-system upgrades, Apple has taken a pause with the release of Snow Leopard, also known as Mac OS X 10.6. Instead of adding hundreds of new features, Apple has chosen to use Snow Leopard to cut ties with the past, plan for the future, and take dead aim on its present competition.
The result is a Mac OS X update unlike any in recent memory, one that boosts speeds, reclaims disk space, tweaks dozens of features, and lays the groundwork for a new generation of computers that feature 64-bit multicore microprocessors, ultra-powerful graphics processors, and massive amounts of memory. These features, combined with the low upgrade price of $29, make Snow Leopard the biggest no-brainer of an upgrade since Mac OS X 10.1. (And that upgrade, the aged among us will recall, was completely free.)
Review Of The Bose QuietComfort 15

The good: Extracomfortable design; improved sound; highly effective noise-canceling circuitry; device folds for compact storage in included carrying case; 30-day home trial.
The bad: Expensive; when the battery dies, so does the music.
The bottom line: While they're no bargain, the Bose QuietComfort 15s currently offer the best sound and silencing capabilities in a pair of noise-canceling headphones.
In designing its fourth-generation consumer noise-canceling headphones, the QuietComfort 15s, Bose has done something interesting. Instead of coming up with a whole new look for its headphones as it did with the QuietComfort 3s, Bose has left the basic design of its popular QuietComfort 2s intact and simply redesigned them on the inside, adding even more effective noise-canceling circuitry and improving their sound quality.
The bad: Expensive; when the battery dies, so does the music.
The bottom line: While they're no bargain, the Bose QuietComfort 15s currently offer the best sound and silencing capabilities in a pair of noise-canceling headphones.
In designing its fourth-generation consumer noise-canceling headphones, the QuietComfort 15s, Bose has done something interesting. Instead of coming up with a whole new look for its headphones as it did with the QuietComfort 3s, Bose has left the basic design of its popular QuietComfort 2s intact and simply redesigned them on the inside, adding even more effective noise-canceling circuitry and improving their sound quality.
Review Of The Dr. Dre Beats Solo

The good: The Monster Beats by Dr. Dre headphones offer a stylish and comfortable design as well as exceptionally crisp audio response. Sound quality is mostly balanced, with warm mids and thumping bass. Included are a nice carrying case and a music-phone-compatible cable.
The bad: The Monster Beats by Dr. Dre headphones cannot be used without batteries. Glossy black design is very smudge-prone, and a few songs sound harsh. Right earcup rattles while you walk.
The bottom line: The unique and stylish Monster Beats by Dr. Dre headphones offer solid audio, useful accessories, and a look that's anything but copycat. For fashion-forward folks with cash to spare, they're a great option.
Review:It's not always easy to get excited about a pair of headphones on first glance. Generally, the listening experience, which is gathered only after putting a set on and sitting down with some favorite music, is what draws people in. Not so with the Monster Beats by Dr. Dre headphones, a sweet-looking set that will relieve you of $350. While their sound quality is nothing to scoff at, their appeal as eye-candy is undeniable. For audio enthusiasts who are tired of the same old look, the Beats are a must.
Review Of The Bose Lifestyle V25

Unlike the Lifestyle T20, the V25 features a built-in iPod/iPhone dock, AM/FM tuner and an LED screen-equipped radio frequency remote control. Additionally, the Lifestyle V25 is Bose link compatible.
Its Unify intelligent integration system makes setting up the Lifestyle V25 very simple as it displays a helpful walkthrough on-screen which suggests connection options and even verifies connections for you. The Lifestyle V25's ADAPTiQ audio calibration system will automatically detect in-room acoustics and adjust accordingly for optimum sound quality in any speaker setup. The V25's iPod/iPhone dock charges your iPod/iPhone while also allowing playback and remote control via the Lifestyle V25's remote control. Bose link compatibility allows for syncing with other Bose link compatible sound systems for listening in every room of the house.
Its Unify intelligent integration system makes setting up the Lifestyle V25 very simple as it displays a helpful walkthrough on-screen which suggests connection options and even verifies connections for you. The Lifestyle V25's ADAPTiQ audio calibration system will automatically detect in-room acoustics and adjust accordingly for optimum sound quality in any speaker setup. The V25's iPod/iPhone dock charges your iPod/iPhone while also allowing playback and remote control via the Lifestyle V25's remote control. Bose link compatibility allows for syncing with other Bose link compatible sound systems for listening in every room of the house.
Review Of BulletStorm

I've come to a conclusion: Bulletstorm wasn't so much developed as it was raised on human growth hormones and taught the English language by a group of sailors and truck drivers. It was also shown every '80s action and sci-fi movie ever made about a dozen times, given a bottle of whiskey, handed a gun and instructed to shoot anything that moves.
The people who clearly felt that the first-person shooter genre was skimping on the "S" in "FPS" and taking itself too seriously birthed it; the sort who've made the likes of Painkiller and published Unreal Tournament and Gears of War. It's clear in everything from its distinctive style to its disregard for the plausible.
Yes, Bulletstorm is ridiculous, but in the way that the very best guilty pleasures are. That's the crux of the game really: the violence. Not the amount, but the inventiveness. This game succeeds in providing a great setting within which you can shoot, kick and energy leash bad guys to death in a huge numbers of ways. From a simple headshot to remotely guiding a (sometimes) human bomb into other enemies and beyond, the possibilities for being sadistic for points are awesome. The world is filled with deadly surprises with which to dispatch foes gruesomely (and stylishly), whether it's giant cacti or blast furnaces.
Despite plenty of murder, I never really made use of the full arsenal at my disposal. The flare gun and shotgun played second fiddle to the likes of the fully-upgraded Bouncer Cannon, which fires a repeatedly-exploding ball you can kick into lone or groups of enemies for a special Skillshot (that's the game's term for fancy deaths, by the way). Besides a special tingle of pride, you'll want to pursue Skillshots for the weapon upgrade points they dish out.That's the crux of the game really: the violence. Not the amount, but the inventiveness. This game succeeds in providing a great setting within which you can shoot, kick and energy leash bad guys to death in a huge numbers of ways. From a simple headshot to remotely guiding a (sometimes) human bomb into other enemies and beyond, the possibilities for being sadistic for points are awesome. The world is filled with deadly surprises with which to dispatch foes gruesomely (and stylishly), whether it's giant cacti or blast furnaces.
Despite plenty of murder, I never really made use of the full arsenal at my disposal. The flare gun and shotgun played second fiddle to the likes of the fully-upgraded Bouncer Cannon, which fires a repeatedly-exploding ball you can kick into lone or groups of enemies for a special Skillshot (that's the game's term for fancy deaths, by the way). Besides a special tingle of pride, you'll want to pursue Skillshots for the weapon upgrade points they dish out.
The people who clearly felt that the first-person shooter genre was skimping on the "S" in "FPS" and taking itself too seriously birthed it; the sort who've made the likes of Painkiller and published Unreal Tournament and Gears of War. It's clear in everything from its distinctive style to its disregard for the plausible.
Yes, Bulletstorm is ridiculous, but in the way that the very best guilty pleasures are. That's the crux of the game really: the violence. Not the amount, but the inventiveness. This game succeeds in providing a great setting within which you can shoot, kick and energy leash bad guys to death in a huge numbers of ways. From a simple headshot to remotely guiding a (sometimes) human bomb into other enemies and beyond, the possibilities for being sadistic for points are awesome. The world is filled with deadly surprises with which to dispatch foes gruesomely (and stylishly), whether it's giant cacti or blast furnaces.
Despite plenty of murder, I never really made use of the full arsenal at my disposal. The flare gun and shotgun played second fiddle to the likes of the fully-upgraded Bouncer Cannon, which fires a repeatedly-exploding ball you can kick into lone or groups of enemies for a special Skillshot (that's the game's term for fancy deaths, by the way). Besides a special tingle of pride, you'll want to pursue Skillshots for the weapon upgrade points they dish out.That's the crux of the game really: the violence. Not the amount, but the inventiveness. This game succeeds in providing a great setting within which you can shoot, kick and energy leash bad guys to death in a huge numbers of ways. From a simple headshot to remotely guiding a (sometimes) human bomb into other enemies and beyond, the possibilities for being sadistic for points are awesome. The world is filled with deadly surprises with which to dispatch foes gruesomely (and stylishly), whether it's giant cacti or blast furnaces.
Despite plenty of murder, I never really made use of the full arsenal at my disposal. The flare gun and shotgun played second fiddle to the likes of the fully-upgraded Bouncer Cannon, which fires a repeatedly-exploding ball you can kick into lone or groups of enemies for a special Skillshot (that's the game's term for fancy deaths, by the way). Besides a special tingle of pride, you'll want to pursue Skillshots for the weapon upgrade points they dish out.
Review Of The Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III

It is always exciting to hear that your most-used piece of photography kit is being replaced with a new and improved model - as was the case for me with the announcement of the . The 1Ds III is Canon's ultra-high-end DSLR, delivering top-of-the-line image quality from a top-of-the-line shooting system matched to a top-of-the-line physical structure.
If you read the Canon EOS 1D Mark III Review (Canon's other current-at-this-time 1-Series DSLR), you are going to think that much of the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III review sounds familiar. And for a good reason. These two redesigned-from-the-ground-up cameras are mostly identical with the exception of a few significant differences - including the sensor size/resolution (and associated parts including the viewfinder) and the max frame rate/buffer depth. Here is how they and the other current Canon DSLRs compare in these and other regards ...
If you read the Canon EOS 1D Mark III Review (Canon's other current-at-this-time 1-Series DSLR), you are going to think that much of the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III review sounds familiar. And for a good reason. These two redesigned-from-the-ground-up cameras are mostly identical with the exception of a few significant differences - including the sensor size/resolution (and associated parts including the viewfinder) and the max frame rate/buffer depth. Here is how they and the other current Canon DSLRs compare in these and other regards ...
Review Of The IMac

The new Apple iMac doesn’t make any revolutionary departures from its exquisite ancestry, nor should it. iMacs have made a well deserved name for themselves as reliable, fast and comparatively easy to use and this newest model builds nicely on that reputation. This is the new base version of the iMac and there are lots of opportunities for upgrades for users who need more power and features. But that’s not to say that this is a base level multimedia computer. Far from it. It boasts a wide feature set, great overall performance and a display screen that, even at the entry level, is far beyond most of the competition. Many people have found that Apple This is the new base version of the iMac and there are lots of opportunities for upgrades for users who need more power and features. But that’s not to say that this is a base level multimedia computer. Far from it. It boasts a wide feature set, great overall performance and a display screen that, even at the entry level, is far beyond most of the competition. Overall the IMac is a perfect upgrade to existing users of IMac or beginners
Review Of The Samsung Galaxy Tab

Since the arrival of the Apple iPad in April of 2010, we've seen a handful of competitors step up with inexpensive tablet alternatives in all shapes and sizes. With the Galaxy Tab, Samsung has created a true peer of the iPad--an uncompromising product that stakes out new territory in terms of both design and features. Unlike the 9.7-inch iPad and its Apple iOS software, the Tab's screen measures 7 inches diagonally and runs Google's Android 2.2 operating system. Sprint's version of the Tab goes on sale November 14, priced
Review Of The XOOM Tablet

The Xoom betters the iPad in some ways--it comes standard with front- and rear-facing cameras, including one that can record in HD, compared with none in the current version of the iPad. It also boasts a larger screen with a higher resolution, supports Adobe Flash, and uses Verizon's network instead of AT&T's It will become the first device to run the latest version of Google's Android operating system, known as Honeycomb. The operating system supports multitasking and has been designed explicitly for tablets.
Review Of The IPhone 4

Apple have announced the new iPhone 4 that improves on its older version, by promising many features that were requested by iPhone users. The main addition to the Apple iPhone 4 is speed and not only does it promise to be twice as fast as the older iPhones, but will also include a 5 Megapixel Camera with LED flash, FaceTime for advanced video calling, Retina Display for the sharpest, most vibrant highest-resolution phone screen ever, Multitasking capabilities and HD Video Recording and Editing.
Is it the update you've been waiting for or are you a little underwhelmed? Let us know and be amongst the first to write your reviews of the Apple iPhone 4 here, and tell others what you think.
Is it the update you've been waiting for or are you a little underwhelmed? Let us know and be amongst the first to write your reviews of the Apple iPhone 4 here, and tell others what you think.
Review Of The IPad

Starting at $500.00. The IPad is the first tablet of Apple. It's measured at .50 thickness.
The IPad has the default apps that you would find on the iPhone or iPod. Some of the more notable features on the iPad is the photo sharing and Internet browsing. The IPad is any amazing product for new or old people to Apple. My rating on the iPad would be 9.0/10.0 mainly because of the no flash when it comes to internet browsing.
The IPad has the default apps that you would find on the iPhone or iPod. Some of the more notable features on the iPad is the photo sharing and Internet browsing. The IPad is any amazing product for new or old people to Apple. My rating on the iPad would be 9.0/10.0 mainly because of the no flash when it comes to internet browsing.